A Visit from Social Service Club of State University of Semarang

8 May 2022

Saturday. (29/09/2018)

Hello guys! This time, kagem had a guest from Semarang! Do you know who? Our guest this time is one of a kind clubs at State University of Semarang (UNNES or Universitas Negeri Semarang in Bahasa), it was Social Service Club. Their intent of visiting was to learn what kind of activities there are at Kagem and the managements of it. Let’s don’t beat around the bush… This time, the guests would be divided to 5 groups, and there were also 5 posts. But! Before they went to their own posts, we introduced ourselves! To get more familiar with each other of course~, because there is a saying if you don’t know each other, then you don’t love each other. So, with the hope that love sprouting between us, we introduced to each other. Not only the punggawa’s and friends from Social Service club, we also got to know with activites that are in Kagem, only a gist of them though. For further information about them, let’s go to the posts!

First post was discussing about the organizing of punggawa’s Kagem. So, at this post, we would discuss about what is punggawa? What role they have? How do we recruit them? Who are able to be punggawa? And problems that ever arose related to punggawa. Furthermore about punggawa’s activities and also how do we preserve them to always come back to Kagem.

Next, second post. At this post, we would be discussing about the arrangement of the children in Kagem. This post would introduce them about activities that children always do at kagem. Like tutorial held on Tuesday and Thursday, Inspiring Tutorial held every month, Education tour, and pesantren kilat (a quick religious lesson, held only about a day), etc. Moreover, this post also discussing about the methods that punggawa’s have used to deal with diverse personality of the children.

Third post, would be discussing about public relations, usually with parents and civilians in neighborhood, because they also have their own role in Kagem’s activities. In addition interacting with the children, there are Kagem’s activities that involving their parents! One of them is “parenting” , this acitivity will explain the parents how to do parenting well. Because many of them feel they hav difficulties as to how to deal with their children attitude. Furthermore, Kagem also interacting with civilians in neighborhood, one of them is “Ramadhan Berkah dengan Berbagi Bersama”(Ramada blessings by sharing) which held annually in Ramadan. With good communication between Kagem and parents also civilians, we hoped activities at Kagem will be accepted and be better.

Then, the fourth post. This post would discuss about management of finance and administrations. Our Income for operational, have been obtained from various sources, for example selling used paper cardboard and plastic bottles, also selling liquid fertilizer and a few non permanent donations. For administrations, Kagem has data’s about punggawa’s from the founders to active punggawa’s now. Moreover, data’s about the children also archieved well which make it easier for Kagem to interact with their parents. Other than that, there are mails in and out, guest book, absentee list for punggawa an children, and so on.

The last post, media and publication. This post would tell about Kagem’s department of media and publication. How do we manage it, would be explained at this post. What problems we ever faced, and solutions to these problems. For publications, we have a few media such as website, e-mail, instagram, youtube, facebook, and also twitter. Morover, Kagem also played a role on news making in Sardonoharjo village, by accumulating articles from civilians and made to a newspaper of Sardonoharjo village which published every 4 months. Media and publications has an important role to make Kagem be known by citizens and netizens.

After the guests got around posts, the next was photo sessions of course! Snap snap snap, hahaha. Sharing done, photo also done, and then eating lunch. After we ate lunch, to close the event, our guests gave us a memento of their visit. We also hope to see you guys again on the other day! Don’t worry! Aaaannd…. that was the story about the visit of Social Service Club of State University of Semarang, see you on our next event! – D I O N –

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